I am gradually uploading certain articles retrieved from the decommissioned Newcreate website. Those that are ready to view are listed below. Others are in the pipeline. Jack

Brain hemisphere research

Iain McGilchrist and his theory of brain hemisphere differences

Resources for people exploring Iain McGilchrist’s work

The Matter with Things—one videoed conversation per chapter

Videos featuring Iain McGilchrist and his work

Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroscientist who experienced her brain’s left hemisphere shutting down

Imagination and ideas

A collection of quotes from people who have experienced organic imagination at work

The Idea-to-Concept Method

More quotes about imagination

Should idea conception be left to specialists?

The two forms of imagination: synthetic and organic

Why I reject brainstorming

Jack  Martin Leith

About Jack Martin Leith

Contact Jack


How to host a Knowledge Cafe and foster rich conversations

How to modify the Open Space meeting format to observe the Max4 Principle

The Max4 Principle

Now-to-New (innovation, change, problem transformation)

A collection of open source and proprietary Now-to-New methods

Evolution of the Now-to-New project model

How the term Now-to-New came into being

Now-to-New philosophy, principles and benefits

Readiness work sets the Now-to-New project in motion

The seven kinds of Now-to-New work

The three Now-to-New action modes

Transcending the mundane

Slideshow: Transcend the mundane, create the new and enrich your world

Value and its generation

Beneficiaries, beneficiary groups and beneficiary sets

How to specify the value your new creation should generate

Jobs-to-be-Done Theory and the Value Proposition Canvas

What is value and how is it generated?

Other topics

A collection of quotes about joy

A collection of quotes about meaning

How our worldviews are evolving

Notable people in the field of developmental psychology

What does holistic mean?

Woodrow Wilson’s “enrich the world” address in full

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