Understanding The Matter with Things — Dialogues is a set of 29 videos in which Iain McGilchrist and Àlex Gómez-Marín explore, chapter by chapter, McGilchrist’s latest book The Matter with Things.

Dr Iain McGilchrist is a British psychiatrist, neuroscience researcher, philosopher, and author of several books, notably The Master and His Emissary and The Matter with Things. He is known for his theory about the differences between the brain’s left and right hemispheres and their effects on society, history and culture.
Dr Àlex Gómez-Marín is a Spanish physicist turned neuroscientist. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics and a Masters in biophysics from the University of Barcelona. He was a research fellow at the EMBL-CRG Centre for Genomic Regulation and at the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown in Lisbon. His research spans from the origins of the arrow of time to the neurobiology of action-perception in flies, worms, mice, humans and robots. Since 2016 he is the head of the Behavior of Organisms Laboratory at the Instituto de Neurociencias in Alicante, where he is an Associate Professor of the Spanish Research Council. Combining high-resolution experiments, computational and theoretical biology, and continental philosophy, his latest research concentrates on real-life cognition and consciousness.
Read more about Dr Àlex Gómez-Marín
2. Attention
3. Perception
4. Judgment
5. Apprehension
6. Emotional & Social Intelligence
7. Cognitive Intelligence
8. Creativity
9. Schizophrenia & Autism
10. What is truth?
12. The science of life
13. Institutional science & truth
14. Reason’s claims on truth
15. Reason’s progeny
16. Logical paradox
17. Intuition’s claims on truth
18. The untimely demise of intuition
19. Intuition, imagination and unveiling
20. The coincidentia oppositorum
22. Time
23. Flow and movement
24. Space and matter
25. Matter and consciousness
26. Value
27. Purpose, life, nature of the cosmos
28. The sense of the sacred
29. Epilogue
Chapter 1: The Introduction
Running time 1:01:42
Chapter 2: Attention
Running time 59:51
Chapter 3: Perception
Running time 47:22
Chapter 4: Judgment
Running time 1:02:42
Chapter 5: Apprehension
Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Dr Alex Gómez-Marín, a Spanish physicist turned neuroscientist.
Running time 1:00:53
Chapter 6: Emotional & Social Intelligence
Running time 54:23
Chapter 7: Cognitive Intelligence
Running time 49:16
Chapter 8: Creativity
Running time 1:21:22
Chapter 9: Schizophrenia & Autism
Running time 1:12:24
Chapter 10: What is truth?
Running time 1:07:27
Chapter 11: Science’s claims on truth
Running time 53:21
Chapter 12: The science of life
Running time 1:07:47
Chapter 13: Institutional science & truth
Running time 1:15:11
Chapter 14: Reason’s claims on truth
Running time 52:06
Chapter 15: Reason’s progeny
Running time 1:17:43
Chapter 16: Logical paradox
Running time 1:00:08
Chapter 17: Intuition’s claims on truth
Running time 1:01:31
Chapter 18: The untimely demise of intuition
Running time 1:11:45
Chapter 19: Intuition, imagination and unveiling
Running time 1:16:11
Chapter 20: The coincidentia oppositorum
Running time 1:23:07
Chapter 21: The one and the many
Running time 1:00:21
Chapter 22: Time
Running time 1:17:13
Chapter 23: Flow and movement
Running time 1:12:08
Chapter 24: Space and matter
Running time 1:10:35
Chapter 25: Matter and consciousness
Running time 1:59:25
Chapter 26: Value
Running time 1:21:41
Chapter 27: Purpose, life, nature of the cosmos
Running time 1:03:03
Chapter 28: The sense of the sacred
Running time 2:13:12
Running time 54:33
Listen to these conversations on Iain McGilchrist’s official podcast channel, hosted on Spotify
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External websites
Channel McGilchrist — a membership platform established by Iain McGilchrist and Mary Attwood, enabling its members to explore, discuss and expand on McGilchrist’s theory of the differences between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and their impact on our perception of and interaction with the world.
Channel McGilchrist — free-to-view videos
Iain McGilchrist’s YouTube channel
Left Brain & Right Brain: 20 Brain Hemisphere Differences from “The Master and His Emissary” on Sloww.co website
This website
Iain McGilchrist
Iain McGilchrist and his theory of brain hemisphere differences
Resources for people exploring Iain McGilchrist’s work
Videos featuring Iain McGilchrist and his work
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